
 Stone 588 - Door in the Dragon's Throat - Scales Of Justice 


Door in the Dragon's Throat - Scales Of Justice

Music written by Kennedy, Rhine, McFerson, Rocha © 1994
Lyrics written by Kennedy

Heroines of strenght wept from his pen
Anguished in the affliction in the words of a man

Drink from the scales of justice the victim's blood As she strikes you
And she lies in weakness

Kill me or take me as I am
The phantoms in my mind are rendered real
For I shall not change and my sentence
You shall not appeal

Die, Marquis of darkness
For the sake of your blemished women
And the torturer is disguised as a lover, undespised

And the rats that tasted your flesh in your cell
Now bite the throat of madness and hurl
You to the depths of hell

Your life's work buried still waits to be exhumed

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 Updated 03.01.2017 16:17:47